1. Moon of Saturn covered in ice and erupting geysers
2. Eighth planet with faint rings
3. Blue planet with no rings
4. Moon of Saturn with a large impact crater called Odysseus
5. Closest planet to the Sun with no rings
5. Moon of Uranus with a broken and fragmented terrain
6. Second largest planet in our solar system with distinctive rings
7. Moon of Pluto named after the river in Greek mythology
8. Moon of Neptune with a heavily cratered surface
9. Moon of Uranus with a young and bright surface
10. Largest planet with faint rings
11. Moon of Pluto named after the mythological nine-headed serpent
12. Moon of Uranus with many impact craters
13. Largest moon of Pluto with a dark and reddish surface
14. Moon of Saturn with a smooth, icy surface
15. Moon of Neptune with a highly eccentric orbit
16. Fourth planet with no rings
17. Smaller moon of Mars that lacks rings
18. Larger moon of Mars that lacks rings
19. Smallest and innermost moon of Saturn
20. Hot planet with no rings